We provide a specialist Race Equality Service for Black and Minority Ethnic communities and partner organisations.
Advice and Support: Advice, information, and advocacy on welfare issues with effective signposting and referrals. The organising of culturally appropriate emergency food and helping with urgent fuel needs.
For assistance please Contact us online, or call us on 01223 655241.
Community Workshops: We run workshops on topics such as how to access NHS health services.
Partnership working: Collaborative working with partners to address race equality needs and build inclusive services.
Training: We develop and deliver training packages for the charity and statutory sector on topics such as:
- Race and cultural awareness
- Diversity and inclusion
- Unconscious bias
If you are interested in discussing your training needs please contact Louise Tan, email: louise@cecf.co.uk or call 01223 655241.
Please also refer to our CECF resources page for other helpful publications.