We would like to invite you to a unique civic event at Cambridge Corn Exchange to support Refugees in Cambridge with words of empathy. Organised by Helen Weinstein, Director of HistoryWorks, working with the poet Michael Rosen in partnership with schools across Cambridge. The concert will be inspiring and uplifting, comprising of songs, readings, poetry, drama and dance pieces all produced to offer words of comfort to refugees and inspired by Michael’s words and story-telling.
Event: Voices of Hope & Compassion.
Date: Sunday 30th June 2024. Time: 3.45 pm for a 4.00 pm start, finishes at 5.30pm.
Tickets: Free & Unticketed, just show up to be seated.
Venue: Cambridge Corn Exchange, Wheeler Street, Cambridge, CB2 3PQ
To find out more about Refugee Week and this year’s theme “Our Home” please look at the national website: https://refugeeweek.org.uk/theme-2024-ourhome/
The event is free and we ask for donations for Refugee charities at the event because fundraising for Cambridge charities is an important part of our Refugee Week activities. We are raising awareness and fundraising for CamCRAG, Cambridge Convoy Refugee Action Group, and you can donate in cash buckets at the event or donate online in several ways suggested on CamCRAG’s website: https://camcrag.org.uk/donating/
We are also raising awareness and collecting donations for the Refugee Hardship Fund which is administered by Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum Refugee Services, supporting not only refugees but also destitute asylum seekers. Please go to the fundraising information page which offers several ways to make a donation: https://cecf.co.uk/donate/
We suggest that children under 9 years of age only attend at the discretion of adults in their family to follow-up and guide their children to discuss issues they will hear and learn about during this civic event. We very much look forward to seeing you there.